If you are considering Freehands for an editorial opportunity, please contact:
- CBS Sunday Morning News

- Here's how to perform all your gadgety chores: Freehands gloves come with these little trapdoors. There's one for your index, and one for your thumb, you can type, then withdraw them, before they get numb." --David Pogue aka TechnoClaus
- Watch
- AOL Switched

- Keeping digits toasty while shooting off a text is actually pretty crucial, especially when hiking, cross-country skiing or just driving in an unheated (presumably hybrid) car." --Leila Brillson
- NY1 News

- With so many devices like the iPhone now requiring human touch to work the touchscreens, … solutions like Freehands literally free a few of your fingers." --Adam Balkin
- The Daily Beast

- Technology is changing the way we wear fashion – we need fashion to work for gadgets, not against them. Enter Freehands."
- UrbanDaddy

- These new gloves limit your skin’s exposure with retractable “hoods” for just your index finger and thumb, allowing you to quickly punch out a message, then get back under cover."
- BoingBoing

- This may seem a bit superfluous to those of you who drive cars to work, but for city folk it solves a common problem. It's a pain in the ass to have to strip off your gloves and hold them in your teeth or pocket just to dial a phone number or change a song."
- TODAY Show

- Now you can work [gadgets] with your thumb and forefinger. It’s so smart!" --Hoda Kotb
- Wall Street Journal

- These gloves do the trick! --Willa Plank